Category: News
The Sister Queens Makes More “Best Of” Lists
While I was baking up a storm and wrapping gifts for friends and family I received a couple of very special year-end presents. The Sister Queens made several “best of” lists” (in addition to the list at Let Them Read Books mentioned in a previous post).
I am exceedingly flattered that The True Book Addict, has my debut keeping company with books by the likes of C.W. Gortner, Hilary Mantel and my good friend Nancy Bilyeau. Holly’s list at Bippity Boppity Book lets me rub elbows with Ken Follett and Diana Gabaldon (wow). Book Drunkard’s “Top 12” and Tanzinite’s Castle Full of Books both also have me in very august company. I am thrilled that Kate Quinn, author of a brilliant trilogy set in ancient Rome that I personally devoured, also picked The Sister Queens as one of her 2012 favorites and Space Station Mir named me as one of her “Top Ten New-To-Me Authors for 2012.” Finally, I feel very privileged that The Sister Queens made two of the “personal favorites” 2012 lists at Romantic Historical Lovers—Meagan’s and Jenny’s.
Not so sound like The Count from Sesame Street, but by my reckoning that makes nine favorites lists I am gobsmacked and grateful. Thank you to the book bloggers who did me such honor and thank you to all the readers who embraced my first novel so warmly!
Just a thought . . . books make GREAT stocking stuffers!
Watch This Space
No, seriously. Watch it.
This Friday I will inaugurate a series of interviews called “Get to Know the Writers I Know” with a guest appearance by Nancy Bilyeau, author of The Crown. Then ten days later I’ll be speaking (well, you know what I mean) with Erika Robuck, author of Hemmingway’s Girl. As you may suspect from what I’ve posted in this space (or as you know for certain if you’ve ever met me) I am not shy, so you can expect some probing questions and interesting answers.
Forget Fifty Shades of a Certain Dark Color—How About Fifteen Reasons to Read The Sister Queens
On the fence about The Sister Queens? Looking for a little persuasion—a reason to add it to your “To Be Read” pile? Well, I am about to give you fifteen.
You see I keep a list of comments from reviewers—comments that rocked my world. And I noticed the other day that, with the 4 month anniversary of its release just around the corner, my novel has received in excess of three dozen really super reviews from bloggers and book-related publications. That’s not counting the more than one-hundred readers who have taken the time to write reviews for it at either Goodreads or Amazon.
So, at the risk of tooting my own horn most unbecomingly, I’ve decided to share a compendium of my favorite quotes grouped to support fifteen excellent reasons for any reader to take notice of The Sister Queens:
#1: The Sister Queens is amazing—don’t take my word for it (I am a little partial), it has received a staggering amount of good reviews:
“This is the must read novel of the summer for anyone with a passion for historical fiction.” (Fresh Fiction)
“THE SISTER QUEENS is probably my first Perfect 10 in well over a year—but it certainly merits at least that.” (Romance Reviews Today)
“Word on the street (rather, consensus among historical fiction bloggers) is that this is an author to watch whose book is a page-turner, fast-paced, emotional, passionate, well-written and carefully researched.” (School Library Journal)
“Historical fiction lovers rejoice! A new and true talent has arrived on the scene!” (Let Them Read Books)
“The Sister Queens is an amazing debut novel. Telling a story about history in a way that only the best historical fiction does.” (The True Book Addict)
“I’ll be recommending this to everyone I know who loves historical fiction and putting this author on my “buy immediately” list for her future releases” (Bippity Boppity Book)
“The Sister Queens is historic fiction at its absolute finest. I simply cannot wait to see what this author does next. She’s already won herself a spot on my list of favorite authors. In all of its colorful prose, deep and eccentric characters, and historical brilliance, this book can be summed up with one word: phenomenal. Brava!” (The Tulsa Book Review)
“In short, an excellent work of historical fiction . . . . Certainly the best I’ve read this year set in the Middle Ages. Highly recommended.” (Medieval Bookworm)
“This is one of the few historical fiction stories that I’ve read lately that I would consider a page-turner” (Debbie’s Book Bag)
#2: The story has it ALL: Whatever you like in your historical fiction you are going to find it in the pages of The Sister Queens, a novel that spans 40 years and locations including England, France, Provence, Cyprus & the Holy Land.
“The Sister Queens has it all… court life, balls, rivalry, politics, love and lust; with the added element of it seeming so real to the reader as though watching a film.” (Peeking Between the Pages)
“This is an excellent slice of an extremely interesting period of time. We get the politics and social aspects of not one but two countries (always a bonus!) as well as in the latter part of the book, Louis’ crusade to the Holy Land.” (The Broke and the Bookish)
#3 Rumor has it I can actually write:
“Sophie Perinot’s writing style is simple and honest and all the more eloquent for it.” (Let Them Read Books)
“I hope that Ms. Perinot is considering further books on unsung women in history as she does have a magical way with words. A way that brings long dead characters to very real life.” (Broken Teepee)
“I couldn’t believe that this is Sophie’s first book. It reads like it’s written by someone with years of writing experience and dozens of novels under their belt.” (Book Drunkard)
“. . . this is a novel that I quickly lost myself in. It was written beautifully and Perinot does an amazing job of bringing these two characters to life.” (The Owl Bookmark)
“Perinot’s writing is almost flawless, and she brings to rich life characters who lived more than 600 years ago, no small feat.” (Briar Patch Books)
“Perinot is a great writer and I’m anxious to see what other books she comes out with in the future” (A Bookish Affair)
#4 So I am getting compared to some pretty well-known historical novelists (and I am both flattered and grateful):
“Fans of Philippa Gregory and Carolly Erickson will want to add this author to their collection.” (Joplin Loves 2 Read)
“I was reminded of one of my favorite historical fiction authors, Sharon Kay Penman. (Although Ms. Perinot’s style is deliciously more sexy :)” (Let Them Read Books)
“. . . Perinot’s writing style reminds me of my revered Jean Plaidy—that is high braise indeed from this reader. ( Continue reading Forget Fifty Shades of a Certain Dark Color—How About Fifteen Reasons to Read The Sister Queens
My First Author Appearance! And in VERY Impressive Company!
You’ve read my blog. You’ve read my book. Now I’d love to meet you.
On April 21st I’ll be joining the fabulous and talented Kate Quinn (Mistress of Rome, Daughters of Rome, & Empress of the Seven Hills) and Stephanie Dray (Lily of the Nile & Song of the Nile) for a “literary threesome” in theWashingtonDC metropolitan area.
Come on out to hear us discuss Sex, Lies and History, and make the acquaintance of some amazing historical women—Cleopatra’s daughter; a host of patrician Roman women (including an empress and the daughter of a Senator); and, of course, my pair of 13th century Provencal sisters who became the queens ofFrance andEngland. In addition to a lively panel discussion, all three of us will be signing books. It’s a triple historical fiction treat!
Here are the details:
Date: April 21st
Time: 1-3 p.m.
Location: Barnes & Noble,Spectrum Center, 1851 Fountain Drive, Reston, VA20190

It’s Launch Day Mes Amis!!!!
It is launch day at last! I am off to celebrate at a luncheon including two of my favorite historical authors—Kate Quinn and Stephanie Dray. But don’t hate me.
The truth is, launching a book involves more work (and sheer terror) than it does champagne. And what launching a debut novel entails in this age of social media is one of the topics I discuss today at The Paperback Swap. Other subjects on the table—why I chose to focus The Sister Queens on only two of the four daughters of Raymond Berenger, Count of Provence; a family controversy about whether I am more like Marguerite or Eleanor; and the book I am working on next.
Oh and you just might win a copy of The Sister Queens in the Paperback Swap giveaway.
The Sister Queens Featured in “A Visual Preview of the Spring Season”
I am very pleased that The Sister Queens is one of fifteen books featured by Sarah Johnson in a “visual preview” of historical fiction releases piquing her interest this spring. Sarah recently received the 2012 Louis Shores Award in recognition of her excellence in book reviewing (both at her fantastic blog, Reading the Past, and in other forums). Thanks to Sarah’s post my own mental “to be read” pile has just expanded by a couple of absolutely fascinating novels I’d not yet heard of and likely wouldn’t have discovered for months yet sans Sarah.
The Best Gift an Author Could Ask for — Marvelous Endorsements for The Sister Queens
Last holiday season Santa outdid himself—I got my debut book deal for Christmas.
The past year has been full of wonderful experiences, from working with my very astute and caring editor at NAL to receiving my first reader’s review on goodreads. Each one of these pre-publication events shines like a foil-wrapped Christmas package in my memory.
Some of year’s most precious gifts came from fellow historical fiction writers—luminaries of the genre actually. I’ve been honored to receive a number of marvelous endorsements (known as “cover blurbs” in the business) for The Sister Queens from authors whose work I both read and admire. I am pleased and proud to unveil them – and the fabulous front cover that NAL created for The Sister Queens – at my newly renovated “My Books” page.
Here, with profound thanks to their authors, are a few blurbs to whet your appetite:
In her debut novel, The Sister Queens, Sophie Perinot breathes life into two of history’s most fascinating siblings. What Philippa Gregory did for Anne and Mary Boleyn, Perinot has done for Marguerite and Eleanor of Provence. This is without a doubt one of the best novels I’ve read all year!”
—Michelle Moran, author of Madame Tussaud
Every page of The Sister Queens for me was like a morsel to savor. The Sister Queens is one of the most beautifully written books I have read in a very long time. Absolutely superb! I will certainly be adding it to my ‘keeper’ shelf.”
—Diane Haeger, author of The Queen’s Rival
Sophie Perinot’s debut tour de force, The Sister Queens, gives the reader a detailed and racy look into the very public and most intimate lives of English and French royalty. The sister queens have two very different personalities, yet Perinot’s skills allow a modern woman to see herself in them and root for them both. This sweeping, compelling novel is a medieval, double-decker lifestyles of the rich, famous, and fascinating.”
—Karen Harper, author of The Queen’s Governess
For more endorsements, including kind words from authors Elizabeth Loupas, Christy English, Leslie Carroll and Anne O’Brien please visit the “My Books” tab.
P.S. Santa, no need to leave anything under the tree for me this year, I am one of the luckiest ladies around.
Exclusive Sneak Preview–Galleys for THE SISTER QUEENS
I was thrilled to receive several full-color galleys for my novel, The Sister Queens, last week. For those of you not familiar with the term “galleys,” they are uncorrected proofs of a novel. When they are in bound form as mine are they can also be called ARCs (advance reader copies). How I wish I had enough galleys to share with all of you who have been regular visitors to my site and so supportive of my writing. Alas, however, I do not.
I just had to find another way to share a sneak peek at the galleys and my excitement over them (and I AM excited because this is as close as I’ve come to holding my writing in actual book form). So, though I am by no means a technically savvy person, I’ve created a short “Galley Preview” video. Hope you enjoy it.
The Sister Queens at Barnes and Noble (dot) com
Barnes and Noble is the latest addition to a growing list of vendors accepting pre-orders for The Sister Queens. So, those of you who are B&N members and have been patiently waiting to be able to use your free express shipping – wait no longer 🙂