Tag: Christy English
Tagged: The Next Big Thing – Find Out What I am Working on Now
I’ve been tagged by the talented historical thriller writer Nancy Bilyeau (author of The Crown) in a blog game called The Next Big Thing. The game involves authors answering questions about their work in progress (aka WIP). So I am “it” for the moment, and I am off to the 16th century to talk about the mother-daughter story I am writing. Come along! Will my WIP be the next big thing? I sure hope so, but only readers can make that decision.
Here we go. . . my answers to the OFFICIAL “Ten Questions for The Next Big Thing”:
1. What is the working title of your book?
Daughter of de Medici
2. Where did the idea come from for the book?

It sprang from the intersection between two strong personal interests. First, I have been fascinated with the Valois royal line since I read Alexandre Dumas’ book La Reine Margot as a teen, and I’ve been particularly obsessed with the oft maligned Marguerite de Valois, youngest daughter of Catherine de Medici and Henri II of France. Second, I have a preoccupation with the relationships that shape women’s lives—especially formative female-to-female relationships. Daughter of de Medici unites those two interests by exploring the sacred, complicated and oh-so-seminal mother-daughter relationship with Marguerite de Valois and Catherine de Medici as main characters.
3. What genre does your book fall under?
Historical fiction. I just can’t imagine writing about the present.
4. Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?
I would cast Keira Knightley to play Marguerite as she has both the beauty (Marguerite was often called the loveliest woman in France) and the depth for the role. If Keira was busy I’d cast Natalie Portman. I’d want Virna Lisi to play Catherine de Medici because she did a breathtaking job in that role in Patrice Chéreau’s 1994 film La Reine Margot.
As for the men in Marguerite’s life, I would cast Benedict Cumberbatch as Henri, Duc de Guise (Marguerite’s first love) or Robert Pattinson if Benny is deemed too old. I’d choose Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Marguerite’s older brother Henri, Duc d’Anjou (future Henri III of France) and Nicholas Hoult as her younger brother François, Duc d’Alençon. I am genuinely stumped on casting Henri de Navarre (Marguerite’s husband and the future Henri IV of France). I am sure the moment I post this I will think of THE perfect casting but for now I’d probably choose Jesse Eisenberg or Anton Yelchin.
5. What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book?
Not really a synopsis—more of a tag line: “Every mother-daughter relationship is fraught with peril. Her mother was Catherine de Medici.” Continue reading Tagged: The Next Big Thing – Find Out What I am Working on Now
Chat LIve With Me As Part of the Romantic Historical Fiction Lovers Anniversary Bash!
The Romantic Historical Fiction Lovers (RHFL) Book Club is celebrating its 2nd Anniversary, and the on-line bash just got underway! If, like me, you are a fan of historical fiction that features a strong romantic plot line, you will not want to miss it! There will be more than a dozen opportunities to chat live with well known authors of historical novels and historical romances.
Check out the schedule below. Then, to participate, visit the RHFL facbook page .
I will be doing a live chat tomorrow between 8 to 9 a.m. and I hope to have some readers company (please don’t leave me sitting there alone, lol).
SATURDAY, May 19th (that’s today)
12N-1:OO PM Suzan Tisdale (LAIDEN’S DAUGHTER) and Sherry Jones (FOUR SISTERS, ALL QUEENS)
1:00-2:00 PM Gillian Bagwell (The September Queen)
4:00-5:00 PMurrayPura (THE WINGS OF MORNING)
5:00–6:00 PM Sharon Lathan (MISSDARCYFALLSIN LOVE)
6:00-7:00 PM Shana Galen (LORD AND LADY SPY)
7:00-8:00 PM Kiru Taye – giveaway only (HIS TREASURE or HIS STRENGTH)
8:00-9:00 PM – Emery Lee (FORTUNE’S SON)
9:00-10:00 PM – Victoria Vane (A WILD NIGHT’S BRIDE)
10:00-11:00 PM – MK Chester (SURRENDER TO THE ROMAN)
11:00 PM -12:00 AM -TracyGrant (IMPERIAL SCANDAL)
SUNDAY, May 20th
For the NIGHT OWLS — 12:00-2:00 AM Jina Bacarr (TITANIC RHAPSODY)
2:00-4:00 AM – Karen Aminadra (CHARLOTTE- P&P CONT. Kindle copy)
8:00-9:00 AM — Sophie Perinot (THE SISTER QUEENS) YEP THAT’S ME!!!
9:00-10:00 AM – DeAnna Cameron (THE BELLY DANCER) Ginger Myrick 2 Kindle copies El Rey- complete
10:00-11 AM – DeAnna Cameron (DANCING AT THE CHANCE) Christy English (THE QUEEN’S PAWN)
The Best Gift an Author Could Ask for — Marvelous Endorsements for The Sister Queens
Last holiday season Santa outdid himself—I got my debut book deal for Christmas.
The past year has been full of wonderful experiences, from working with my very astute and caring editor at NAL to receiving my first reader’s review on goodreads. Each one of these pre-publication events shines like a foil-wrapped Christmas package in my memory.
Some of year’s most precious gifts came from fellow historical fiction writers—luminaries of the genre actually. I’ve been honored to receive a number of marvelous endorsements (known as “cover blurbs” in the business) for The Sister Queens from authors whose work I both read and admire. I am pleased and proud to unveil them – and the fabulous front cover that NAL created for The Sister Queens – at my newly renovated “My Books” page.
Here, with profound thanks to their authors, are a few blurbs to whet your appetite:
In her debut novel, The Sister Queens, Sophie Perinot breathes life into two of history’s most fascinating siblings. What Philippa Gregory did for Anne and Mary Boleyn, Perinot has done for Marguerite and Eleanor of Provence. This is without a doubt one of the best novels I’ve read all year!”
—Michelle Moran, author of Madame Tussaud
Every page of The Sister Queens for me was like a morsel to savor. The Sister Queens is one of the most beautifully written books I have read in a very long time. Absolutely superb! I will certainly be adding it to my ‘keeper’ shelf.”
—Diane Haeger, author of The Queen’s Rival
Sophie Perinot’s debut tour de force, The Sister Queens, gives the reader a detailed and racy look into the very public and most intimate lives of English and French royalty. The sister queens have two very different personalities, yet Perinot’s skills allow a modern woman to see herself in them and root for them both. This sweeping, compelling novel is a medieval, double-decker lifestyles of the rich, famous, and fascinating.”
—Karen Harper, author of The Queen’s Governess
For more endorsements, including kind words from authors Elizabeth Loupas, Christy English, Leslie Carroll and Anne O’Brien please visit the “My Books” tab.
P.S. Santa, no need to leave anything under the tree for me this year, I am one of the luckiest ladies around.
Interview at the Pittsburgh Historical Fiction Examiner
Today I am delighted to be a guest at Pittsburgh Historical Fiction Examiner. A special thank you to Kayla for inviting me to follow in the virtual footsteps of such historical fiction favorites as C.W. Gortner, Juliet Grey, Donna Russo Morin, Gillian Bagwell and Christy English. I am also grateful for Kayla’s insightful interview questions and hope you (oh faithful blog readers) will enjoy them as well.