Tag: Best of December
Christmas Came Early for Me!
It’s been a great week in reviews for MÉDICIS DAUGHTER!!!
First it made the Goodreads Best Books of the Month: December 2015 and I thought I’d died and gone to heaven. Then the love just kept on coming. You might even say Christmas came early for me:
a top ten for 2015, and I have no doubt I’ll be haunted by this one for a long while. ~Unabridged Chick
. . . this is a tale of overcoming obstacles and fighting for your place in the world. There is plenty of romance, drama, and political intrigue to keep even the most reluctant historical fiction reader entertained. ~Reading Lark
If you love historical fiction, or know someone that does, add this one to you Winter reading list- it’s perfect for curling up by the fire with! ~Bless Their Hearts Mom
I couldn’t put down. And when I wasn’t reading it, I was thinking about it. ~The Readers Hollow
Soaring, fascinating… this book has it all. ~Long and Short Reviews
It’s about time! Time to give the Tudors some competition. Time to show that the history of sixteenth century France is just as, if not more, gripping than that of Henry’s and Elizabeth’s England. In MÉDICIS DAUGHTER (St. Martin’s Press), Sophie Perinot rises to the challenge, offering a glimpse into the spectacular, turbulent years of the waning Valois dynasty. ~Writing the Renaissance
Rich with intrigue, rivalry and passion, Médicis Daughter is not to be missed. ~Flashlight Commentary
So, if you know someone who loves historical fiction, is sucked into dysfunctional family drama, or is fascinated by royal intrigue, Médicis Daughter might just make the perfect holiday gift!