Tag: Belles
Weekly Review Round-Up
It has been a good week for The Sister Queens in the blogosphere – a very good week. Just since Tuesday the novel has received FIVE reviews, all of them good. Here are highlights from what some of the fabulous women of book-blogging had to say.
From Broken Teepee:
Ms. Perinot’s characterization of the two women is fascinating and I found it quite hard to put the book down; in fact, I read it in one sitting. I love writing that grabs you and won’t let you go like that. I want to continue with these two women and their complicated men. I hope that Ms. Perinot is considering further books on unsung women in history as she does have a magical way with words. A way that brings long dead characters to very real life.”
Briar Patch Books said:
Perinot’s writing is almost flawless, and she brings to rich life characters who lived more than 600 years ago, no small feat. Readers will enjoy the romance of the tale but also the sibling connection between the sisters.”
And the Bookish Dame at A Bookish Libraria had some kind words about the characterization and dialogue in the book:
Her two sisters, as well as their two kings, the wicked mother-in-law ~ White Queen Blanche of Castille, and the sisters’ children are so magnificently drawn. I could absolutely see them alive and feel their hearts’ emotions and motivations. Beautifully written. Dialog was also appeared to be effortlessly rendered; it flowed and felt so natural. The intimate communications between characters were meaningful and telling.”
Several reviewers highlighted something I’ve believed (and trumpeted) since I first began reading historical fiction—the genre transcends history and speaks to issues as real and relevant today as they were hundreds of years ago. As Books, Belles, and Beaux put it:
While leading the life of a royal wife in the 13th century certainly has little bearing on life today, the relationships each sister shared with her husband, children, and extended family is certainly relevant to today’s reader.”
While I Heart Words points out:
Yes, Sophie Perinot’s debut THE SISTER QUEENS takes us through medieval battles, the crusades, and some juicy court politics, but it is truly a story about two women and their quest for fulfillment.”
All I can say is WOW ladies! And thanks. These last three weeks have been a marvelous whirlwind. Turns out holding my book for the first time in a Barnes & Noble was just the beginning of the thrills. Discovering there are readers who hold my book in their hearts—that’s the biggest thrill of all.